New Church Partner Blog Series: Meet Fortified Hills Baptist Church

We often think about foster parents when thinking about partnerships and prayer concerns, but Faithbridge Foster Care would not be where it is today without our church partners as well. The pastors and congregants who come alongside FaithBridge families to serve them on the fostering journey are invaluable. A couple of years ago we shared a post about the role of the church in foster care and the message that nobody alone can fix the foster crisis and how the church is well-poised to create conditions where families can thrive still rings true.

Please join us in praying for the churches that have partnered with FaithBridge Foster Care. We are grateful to have more than 50 active church partners. These churches help recruit families and then surround them with the support they need when the journey is too much to do alone.

Today FaithBridge celebrates Fortified Hills Baptist Church!

Fortified Hills Baptist Church is located in Dallas, GA, and they have been a church partner since 2019. You can learn about their mission to serve foster children and orphans here. We asked them a few questions about their decision to partner with FaithBridge and are sharing the answers with you below:

What led your church to start a foster care ministry?
Our foster care journey at Fortified Hills Baptist Church began with our senior pastor, Josh Price. He was actively looking for a way to serve in this capacity. He helped organize an event at our church to bring awareness of the foster care need. FaithBridge along with a few other organizations participated. After the event, our church began its partnership with FaithBridge because of the Christ-centered approach. Our foster care ministry and our partnership with FaithBridge allows us to serve our community in the Gospel work.

A socially distanced Encounter Training at Fortified Hills Baptist Church.

What are your hopes for this ministry?
James 1:27 demonstrates the Lord’s desire for believers to look after the vulnerable children and families in our communities. My hope for our ministry is to provide our congregation with tangible ways to live this out as we show the love and compassion of Jesus Christ to everyone involved in the foster care community. We want to see the reunification of families as much as we want to see the reconciliation of families with Christ.

Is there anything you’d like other churches who are considering a foster care ministry to know?
Like any other ministry, it may be slow to gain traction at first especially if there are no licensed foster families in your church; however, once momentum picks up, it is a great way to minister to your community. You are serving a family during their darkest time with the great opportunity to show the light of Christ.

Please remember church partners in your prayers! Pray for the people in their congregation and the people that encounter Christians who are sharing the good news in the trenches every day.