New Schedule for Re-evaluations

The state of Georgia has asked that the annual re-evaluations of our foster and respite homes be submitted earlier than in the past. To comply, FaithBridge has made some changes to the time frames of re-evaluations. Here is a breakdown of the new time frames:


New Time Frames Action
90-100 days before expiration                                                     Email sent to families with instructions and paperwork.
60-90 days before expiration Family completes and returns all paperwork using the MyFaithBridge family portal.  FaithBridge submits CPS screening requests and conducts internet safety checks.
30-60 days before expiration Home visit conducted to interview family members and complete a safety inspection.
21-30 days before expiration Home Study Specialist/Contractor writes re-evaluation.
15-21 days before expiration FaithBridge internally approves the re-evaluation.
15 days before expiration FaithBridge submits re-evaluation to the state office.
Before expiration The state office notifies FaithBridge of re-evaluation being approved for another year.  FaithBridge notifies the family of the approval within 24 hours of receiving it from the state.